
It can be unsettling to find ants in the kitchen, on your countertops, in your cabinets, and even in your food! Though ants are most active outdoors from March through October, they can be a year-round problem if they start nesting indoors. At Clean Hand Pest Control, we understand the frustration and concern homeowners experience when they discover these nuisance pests have invaded their homes. That’s why we offer ant control, the best Way!

Ants don’t belong in your home. Using a holistic approach to insect control, we will make sure that they don’t stay! Our service covers the most common types of house ants, including pavement ants and odorous house ants. It even gets rid of carpenter ants that have found their way inside.

Our Method For Effective Ant Control

Pest control technician inspection for ants, Our ant control professionals will analyze your home’s ant threat and determine the treatment method best suited for your situation.

  • Where we treat
    Our ant treatments are focused on eaves, door and window frames, foundation vents, the base of siding, utility penetrations, exterior perimeter, the base of all trees w/in 40 ft, sidewalk, driveway, and patio edges w/in 20ft.
  • What we use to control ants
    Products used to consist of a variety of bait formulations and residual products that ants can’t detect or avoid as foraging ants re-enter the colonies.

Why ongoing service is the best solution for ants

Honeydew-producing insects are a food source for ants. If your property or even your neighbors have these pests active in their homes or outside, your ant problem could return. An ongoing home pest control program ensures that your home is always safeguarded against these nuisance ants as well as destructive carpenter ants. When you choose an ongoing pest control program, we will treat it as necessary at each visit. And, if ants come back between services, we offer complimentary visits to address the issue.